Gentleman Peptides




  • Chemical Formula: C₂₀H₂₈O₂
  • Molecular Mass: 300.44 g/mol
  • Synonyms: 13-cis-Retinoic Acid, Accutane (brand), Roaccutane (brand), Claravis (brand), Absorica (brand), Sotret (brand)
  • Class: Retinoid (derived from Vitamin A)
  • CAS Number: 4759-48-2
  • PubChem ID: 5282379
  • Total Amount of Active Ingredient: Varies depending on the capsule strength.
  • Shelf Life: Typically 24 to 36 months


About Iso

Iso is one of the most powerful solutions for those struggling with severe acne when other treatments have failed. It works by targeting the root causes of acne—reducing oil production and preventing clogged pores—giving you clearer skin and lasting results. Though it requires careful monitoring, the potential for a life-changing improvement in your skin makes it worth considering, especially if you're ready to finally overcome persistent acne.

Key Benefits


  1. Long-Term Acne Relief: Iso often provides permanent results by addressing the root causes of acne, helping to prevent future breakouts.
  2. Reduces Scarring: By effectively treating severe acne, it helps minimize the risk of long-term skin scarring and damage.
  3. Improves Self-Confidence: Clearer skin can significantly boost self-esteem, improving overall quality of life for those who have struggled with persistent acne.