Gentleman Peptides




  • Chemical Formula: C17H19N5
  • Molecular Mass: 293.37 g/mol
  • Synonyms: Anastrozole, Arimidex, CAS Number 120511-73-1
  • Molar Mass: 293.37 g/mol
  • CAS Number: 120511-73-1
  • PubChem: 2205
  • Total Amount of Active Ingredient: 0.5 mg per capsule
  • Shelf Life: 36 months


About Adex

Adex is a medication designed to lower estrogen levels in the body. It’s commonly used to treat hormone-related breast cancer in postmenopausal women but is also used in other medical situations to manage estrogen levels.


Key Benefits

  1. Reduces Estrogen: Lowers estrogen levels to control high estrogen conditions.
  2. Treats Breast Cancer: Helps slow the growth of hormone-sensitive breast cancer.
  3. Prevents Side Effects in Men: Avoids estrogen-related issues like gynecomastia during testosterone therapy.
  4. Balances Hormones: Keeps hormones balanced in both cancer patients and men on testosterone therapy.